Memories never leave from within me
Years have passed without seeing me
Moments of joy are missed the most
Occupy the mind, guiding heart not to be lost
Sound of waves, kissing the echanting shores
To great souls who love to explore
Beyond words, describing thy richness
Exceeds people's needs, sun dry even countless
lavish in wealth, layers the earth
Offering all creatures, a paradise of the world
Vanguished years of battering occupation
Enticed the souls, hungry for freedom
Discarded sorrows clouding the nation
Carved a name for a great freedom
Obtained glory through wars and fights
Undying hope for a future so bright
Nightmares blanketing the long nights
Torn apart to reveal the shining lights
Red and white will continue to roar and fly high
Yoke spirit to uphold the nation's pride
Indonesia oh Indonesia
Never let anything smudge thy aura
Deny not that now you are bleeding
Over senseless deeds and ceaseless fightings
Now that even mother nature is crying
Enthralling beauty withers almost dying
So.. sing aloud the courage to heal the pains
Indonesia, We'll stay unite and keep ourselves sane
Assured devotion for love of the country will remain.
Great Poem, I enjoy reading it. You are very talented person...
Ini sempurna! Isi dan diksinya bagus, tajam, mengena.
Maafkan saya yang dangkal ini, namun kesempurnaan ini mencurigakan. Semoga salah.
Catatan dari Lia:
Siti Muyasaroh ini bukan PLRT biasa;
Dia pengajar Bahasa Inggris di Mesjid Sultan, aktivis IFN dan karyanya juga dapat ditemukan dalam "Migrant Voices" CD album yang sudah dirilis Maret 2006 ini.
gile hebat banget. sempurna. Saya aja gak bisa bikin puisi kaya begini. Salut banget. mudah2an YBS akan lebih produktif lagi menulis dan bisa diterbitkan. Beneran, saya harus belajar dari Muysaroh mengenai bagaimana menulis puisi.
dodol surodol, jangan menganggap rendah dulu. semua orang bisa mencapai kesempurnaan kayak begitu, asal ada kemauan dan keteguhan hati.
salam kemerdekaan!!
"So.. sing aloud the courage to heal the pains
Indonesia, We'll stay unite and keep ourselves sane
Assured devotion for love of the country will remain"
Ah... terima kasih sudah mengisi ulang semangat saya.
Saya kehabisan kata-kata untuk ini. Terima kasih Ibu Siti Muyasaroh, terima kasih.
before you, i bow,
raise my right hand and salute you
many thanks for your beautiful poems
thank you for bestowing me, your great spirit
satu kata PERFECT
wah... keren buanget nih puisinya!
speechless, great poem!
Mbak Siti, thanks for the enlightenment and sharing your spirit, it's meaningful for me :D keep write!!!
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